Sunday, August 05, 2007

The Party is Over

Tomorrow, I go back to school to start the new year. Although I've only taken one FULL week off, having to be there from 7:00 until 3:00 is always an adjustment.

This summer has been very productive and enjoyable - one and the same in my vocabulary.

I finally decided to quit ignoring the pain in my toes, so I had surgery.
I don't know for sure, but I THINK I read about 15 books.
I discovered a new "favorite" author - James Patterson. (I never thought I liked mysteries).
I went to the Blue Lick's Seafood night for the first time.
I got an IPOD for my birthday!
I've completed my 621st work-out at Curves!
I've gained five pounds (surgery and vacation).
I've discovered that flip-flops aren't so uncomfortable.
I went to the Cheesecake Factory for the first time - maybe my new favorite restaurant.
I went to a gem farm and panned for gems.
I went to Carl Sandburg's home.
I ate alligator.
I stayed at a Fairfield Inn for the first time - nice.
Entertained friends twice.
Reconnected with an old friend.
Spent time with closest and dearest friends.
Reorganized a little.
I met an online friend - yes, that's you Shane!
I made Jeff's lunch every day - he makes his own lunch when I'm in school.
Went with my mom to her 49th high school reunion.

I really feel like there is more that I can't remember right now, but summer was good.

As always, I'm "ready" to go back. I always enjoy my time off, but I really do look forward to getting back into the routine.

This year will be my best ever, if only for one reason. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR FINDING SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS ANY MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you haven't been there, you probably can't appreciate the joy and relief I feel. Not finding subs means I won't cringe when the phone rings at 5:30 a.m. or 9:00 p.m. It means I won't always be on pins and needles worrying about how many calls I'll have to make to find a sub. It means I'll be able to be on my own phone without worrying about a staff member trying to call to tell me they can't come in. It means I can sleep (at least) a half hour longer in the morning. It means I'll be able to shower in the mornings. Again - you have no idea how happy I am about this.

Tomorrow - who knows???? Aside from the infamous RED BINDER project, I don't know what will be in store for me. I hope to have news that I've heard through the grapevine confirmed, but most importantly I hope that the few others who will be there, will have enough to do that they won't keep me from doing what I need to do. After all, I have to work on the RED BINDER!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's quite a list of accomplishments--especially for someone who was (pardon the pun) off her feet for a while. Keep me posted on the goings-on at SMS. I'll miss everyone, but I'm glad I made my move to Fidelity.

8:54 PM  
Blogger valerie said...

wow, what a productive summer! Can't wait to see you! I love my IPOD! it is so cool! you will love yours too, plug it in and ignore others while doing you RED BINDERS! :)
I will be there on Tue for dept. mtg. See you then!

1:10 PM  

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