Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Catching Up - sort of

It's hard for me to believe that I haven't posted since November! Sitting at the computer at home isn't something I relish, after sitting at the computer all day, but I'm usually inspired to post something every now and then. Does this mean I've lost my inspiration?

Warning - I'm not really inspired now, either, but feel the need to "touch base". So here goes . . .

Thanksgiving - was kind of uneventful. This was the year for Farrah and Jim to go to Louisville, mom had other plans so it was just Jeff, his mom and me at Cracker Barrel.

Christmas - Whew! Glad that's over - as always. It was nice to have Farrah and Jim home, but my two favorite days in December are the 26th and 27th. Jeff and I have a 20 year tradition of going shopping on the 26th. We leave early with absolutely no plans, other than to browse and visit whatever stores, restaurants, etc., we're in the mood for. This year we left at 8:00 a.m. and got home around 10:30 p.m. Not a bad day for a couple of "older" folks. The 27th is a great day, because that's the day I de-Christmas the house. Our tree is pretty, the outdoor lights are nice, but by December 27th (really by December 20th), I can't wait to get the house back to normal.

New Year's Eve - went to Kroger, bought a lot of "fun" foods and Jeff and I watched the ball drop on our bedroom TV.

New Year's Day - Jim and Farrah visited for a day of playing bridge and to eat Reuben's (our traditional New Year's Day meal - the only way that Jeff and I can't stomach the obligatory sour kraut).

School - OH MY GOSH! I'm still so far behind. When the administrators have deadlines - I have deadlines. If only I had a door like they do. One good thing, though. A table and chair was put in the vault, so Ramona and I would have a place to eat.

Jeff - We meet with the neurosurgeon on Friday.I finally convinced him it was time. After his recent MRI, we found that his spinal stenosis, degenerative arthritis, bulging disks, - and everything has gotten worse in the last 18 months. His doctor says there is a 90% chance that surgery will make him 100%. We hope to get the procedure taken care of soon. There will be a five week recuperation period and other than me taking off a few days of work to nurse him, we both feel it will be better for both of us, if he does most of his recuperating in a chair or on the bed watching DVD's while I'm at school. :)

Rules - - - are not meant to be broken. How can we justify to our students not to turn left on a red light if we keep telling them that they cannot do "this or that", but we let them. No wonder kids are confused. How are they to know what rules we're going to enforce and what rules we're not???????

Snood - Am I the only person left in the world who enjoys an occasional game of computer Snood?

MLK Week-end - Betty and I enjoyed our annual week-end of shopping and eating.

Curves - I'm now taking part in the ADVANCED work-outs. What in the world was I thinking??????????

Valerie - When are you going to start your blog????

Spring - Can't wait!

Whew! That wasn't so hard . . . or interesting.