Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Toes and Anniversaries

Good News! Yesterday I had my stitches removed - nine from each little toe. The surgeon continues to be amazed at my quick recovery and high tolerance to pain. The toes are still swollen and may continue to be for 3-5 MONTHS, so I can only wear flip-flops.

With the removal of stitches, came a little more freedom. I'm permitted to drive "short distances" and I can "slowly" return to Curves, if I make sure to protect my toes. I hope I can comfortably wear my ballet slippers during my work-outs.

Today I decided to the drive the short distance to school. Because of a recent resignation, (thanks, Rich) I knew there was work waiting on me. I worked for six hours and being on a semi-regular schedule did wonders. Accomplishing something makes me feel a lot better than being on the couch all day.

Tomorrow I plan on catching up with some housework, replace the spring decor with summer/4th of July, clean the bathrooms and do laundry. Hopefully I'll feel like driving the short distance to mom's to check our her newly painted house.

Oh yeah - tomorrow is mine and Jeff's 27th wedding anniversary. Tonight Jeff said, "Do you think we should go out to eat or something?" I replied, "No, I'd rather just stay home." Does this mean we're getting old?

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Six Days Later

Well, it's been six days since surgery and I'm doing great.

Mom took me to the doctor for post-op on Tuesday. He thinks I'm doing extremely well. He changed the bandage, so mom and I both got to see my toes for the first time. I have two incisions on each little toe - nine stitches total on each toe. He gave permission to get off the couch, but told me to only do the things I absolutely have to. So far this week, I've had to clean the house, do the laundry, plant some flowers, sweep the deck . . . :) Well!!!! It makes me feel better to accomplish something.

Tonight was a big night - my first bath since June 8th! The toes still look good

Next Tuesday I'll get some or all of the stitches removed. Hopefully I'll be able to drive again.

During this time I've read two books and started a third. I've checked my school e-mail daily and luckily (so far), there hasn't been any urgent messages.

Tonight I will be sleeping in my bed for the first time since the surgery. It has been very important not to knock the toes and to keep my feet above heart. This just seemed much easier to control on the couch. But tonight since the bath and new bandage, I feel liberated.

Thanks to all who have sent me cards and well wishes!

Friday, June 08, 2007

Surgery is Over!

This has been a long day, but I am feeling remarkably well - considering.

I got out of bed at 7:00 a.m. I had to time this just right. All I needed to do was take a shower, wipe a packaged antiseptic all over myself, put on my clothes and leave for the hospital. There was no need for make-up, moisturizing, or fixing my hair. Most importantly I didn't want any extra time here at home since I wasn't permitted to have anything to eat or drink.

Jeff and I left the house at 8:15 and arrived at the hopspital around 9:00. We went directly to the outpatient surgical wing of the hospital. We were directed to a tiny room and I was given my "outfit" for the day; two gowns - one to tie in the back and one to tie in the front. I also got cute little sockies with treads. Jeff and I sat in this room and watched TV. When I got cold a nurse brought me the nicest pre-heated blanket. Farrah and Jim arrived (I think) about 10:00. We had a nice visit before I was taken to surgery.

In the pre-surgery room I met the surgeon, John (my personal nurse) and the anesthesiologist. Each of these people asked me the same questions; "What is your name?" and "When is your birthday?" One of them wrote the word "Yes" on each of my ankles. This was to make sure they would know to operate on both of my feet.

Surgery was scheduled for 10:30. It actually began at 12:00. After being put on the operating table, the IV was put it. The anesthesiologist said, "You will be getting sleepy." Not more than a minute later I told him, "I'm getting sleepy". His reply was "Good" and that's all I remember until . . . I woke up during surgery. I asked, "Are you finished?". Someone answered, "No". Thank goodness I'd had a block on both feet! The surgeon then said, "Look at her she's still smiling". Then to me he said, "You have been smiling during the entire surgery". That's all I remember until I woke up in recovery.

In recovery the only complaint I had was a severe headache. I really think this was due to a major lack of cafeine. The nurse brought me crackers and sprite, which really hit my totally empty spot. Since I was doing so well; no nausea, etc., I was taken to post-recovery pretty quickly. Farrah, Jim and Jeff arrived to keep me company while I was given post-op instructions and until I was allowed to leave. Farrah helped me get my clothes on, Jeff went to get the car and before I knew it, I was on my way home.

Jeff and I came straight home. Farrah and Jim stopped to get my prescriptions; percocet and an antibiotic. They also stopped at mom's to pick up two casseroles. :) I took my first meds at 5:00 p.m. Right now I feel okay, but the surgeon said this would be my "best" day. My toes hurt a little and the pain medicine is making me feel a little weird, but other than that I think I'm doing great.

The surgery took about an hour and 20 minutes. The surgeon said that everything went just as he planned. I have to stay off my feet (except to go to the bathroom) with my feet elevated until Tuesday. Then I go for a check-up. I got 8-9 stitches in each toe. These won't be removed until the following week.

Being immobile is going to be the hard part. Jeff is doing the best he can to keep me on the couch and he kept his promise . . . I am holding the remote control. :)

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Pre-Op Experiences

"Do you live with anyone that hits you?"

"Where do you go for emotional support?"

Am I alone in this, or do you think these are odd questions to be asked during pre-op testing???? I mean, what the heck do they have to do with a toe operation????

The surgery is expected to last ONE hour. Pre-op took THREE! This doesn't seem right to me.

First I did the paper work thing. Why I ask you, do they require a picture I.D.? Are there actually people out there sneaking in to have surgery????

Next I was directed to another wing of the hospital where two ladies took medical information. One lady did most of the questioning. (This is no joke) . . . She asked me THREE times how tall I was. Each time I replied 5'3. Finally the third time she asked me, her co-worker asked her, "Do you think she has grown since she got here?" These are the same ladies that asked me the first two questions in this blog. They also asked me if I had any religious requests????? I said no, but now I'm thinking I should have told them I'd like to live.

From there I went to ANOTHER wing in the hospital for Physical Therapy. I was confused when they told me to go there and I was surprised when I found out why. They gave me crutch training! I do not intend to need crutches. However they may come in handy for getting Jeff's attention. After the lesson on walking on a flat surface she asked if I would need to be taught how to use crutches up and down steps. I told her that wouldn't be necessary, because I was not going to take a chance on being taken back to the hospital with a broken neck.

The next place to go was the "Pee in a cup" room. Well, I knew this was coming, so I'd been "holding it" for a LONG time. I wanted to make sure I could perform when the time came, so I didn't want to waste any. A man marched into the waiting room and asked, "Mrs. Dicken are you ready to give me a specimen?" I replied, "I've been DYING to".

From there I went to the lab for blood work. The technician asked if I had a preference as to which arm he used. I told him he could pick. He picked the left. After several attempts to find a vein, then giving up and going to the right arm, he told me that if I'm ever given a choice again, I should insist on the right arm because, "I don't know what's up with your left arm. I couldn't find anything".

From there I was sent to the basement - at least it looked like a basement - for x-rays. The technician there looked at my paper work and asked, "Are you pregnant?" My response, "I HOPE NOT!" He said, "Well, your paperwork says you have an order for a pregnancy test." I told him that I thought they automatically do those when you're a woman and you're getting ready to have surgery." His reply? "Oh". Now let me ask you this. Shouldn't the guy doing the x-rays KNOW this?

FINALLY I was dismissed.

TODAY I had a message on our machine from the hospital. They wanted me to call so they could pre-register me. (I thought we went through all that on Monday). Well, I called. I answered all the same questions I had on Monday. She reminded me to bring my insurance card and photo i.d., so they could make copies. What, I want to know, did they do with the copies they made on Monday?

I've also read the book they sent home with me. One part seemed a little unsettling. It said that at one point, probably after I've already been knocked out, that the doctors and nurses will take a "time out" and discuss the procedure they are about to perform. They will check my name and make sure they have all the proper info. Okay - I think I'd feel more secure if they discussed this while I'm still awake. Jeff says we are going to put post-its on each of my feet that say, "Hi. My name is Tammy. Today you are to operate on my little toes".

I TRULY am not overly concerned with this upcoming procedure. I've had much more complicated surgeries before. I'm a pretty brave person, but sometimes I do get a bit unnerved by OTHER people's actions. Last night Jeff asked me, "Now I just want to be clear. Do you or do you not want to be unplugged?" Well, that kind of creeped me out. Then today, my principal told me that he and the assistant principal want to take me to lunch tomorrow.

Having come from a non-demonstrative family, I'm telling you this. If my mom hugs me before surgery - I'm cancelling it!